Friday, May 3, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Sanctioner Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. Love this unit and I'm not sorry!

Snipers on the open field. And executioners when working alone; seeking to take out those psykers whom the Sisters have earmarked as being too dangerous to take in alive.

Think of this as a cheap sniper squad, and you have the right idea. They come armed as standard with nemesis bolt guns which they fire with BS=4 and therefore makes them highly attractive. These can be swapped out for Vratine Nemesis Bolt guns which gives you access to psy-shock at the cost of a pip in strength. If you're facing a psychic army like certain builds of Word Bearers, Thousand Sons, and similar, you're just going to make your friends cry. I'd be tempted to slot in an augury scanner to round out the unit, and if you're feeling that they're going to be too far forward, then take a power sword on the Mistress for a bit of added self defence. 


Sanctioners x5, Augury Scanner (95 points).
The base build. Can't go too wrong with this as the battlefield role is clear, obvious, and the points cost so very attractive.

Sanctioners x5, all with Vratine Nemesis Bolt Guns, Augury Scanner, Mistress with Power Sword (130 points).
Your anti-Thousand Sons build. And look at the points that it clocks in with. Still very attractive!

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