Thursday, April 18, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Oblivion Knight Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded up. The rules are solid.

The martial elite of the Sisters of Silence. They are like the power armour elites of the space marines - battle hardened through seeing too much. 

With WS=5, the obvious use of this squad is to get them into combat. You will probably want to take a transport to do that. 

There are a bunch of upgrades to pick between, but the most valuable asset here is going to be the power weapon choice - take some axes for access to the AP2 and you will do very well. 

T=3. For a squad like this, I would have expected 2 wounds each, but I guess we cannot have everything?

Knight Cadre with 5 Power Axes (100 points). 
Cheap, cheerful, and AP=2!

Knight Cadre, 10 members all with Power Axes, 5 Hand Flamers, 5 Plasma Pistols (325 points).
A maxed out squad. Getting on the expensive side though - especially considering T=3, W=1, and a 3+ save each.

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