Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Jenetia Krole

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The Soulless Queen rocks. 

Went to get Magnus. Slew lots of the Thousand Sons herself. Called upon in times of great need by the Imperium and she always answers. Silently. 

To be totally honest, if you're not a primarch HQ, then The Soulless Queen is probably going to kill you. And make back more than her points. She is simply deadly. The stat line is okay with WS=6 and 3 wounds (but a cheap price tag to match the T=3). If there's daemons or corrupted on the field, or even psykers, she grants preferred enemy to the army against them. Without, she grants infiltrate to herself and three units. This is amazing. 

Her list of special rules is extensive. Eternal Warrior is the stand out here which can offset the T=3. But she also gets scout and fear on top of this, as well as some precision striking and shooting. She also grants +1 reaction allocation in the assault phase to boot. 

Her weapon is great with AP=1, and her 4+ invulnerable is solid and increases to an amazing 3+ for template weapons, so you're not going to kill her with a vindicator. She also outdoes the Alpha Legion by being 6 inches away from a shooting attack. 

T=3 is the real problem here. You need to kill before you are killed. Don't tackle a primarch - Jenetia will probably end up dead. But most things short of that should be fair game for her to charge at and challenge to death thanks to the WS impact she has on her opponents via Ex Oblivio (which I should have included in Strengths, but hey, I got to here and remembered it!). 

Shoot her with lots of bolt shots and she will die. Probably. If she makes it into combat, you're dead. If she smells corruption on you, you're more than dead. 

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