Sunday, April 14, 2024

eBay this week: Slann, Dornian Heresy Iron Hands, Death Guard OOP model and more

Continuing my Spring clear out (which will probably progress relentlessly through the year) I have added a number of different models that I hope someone out there will find tempting enough to place a bid on so that they can find a new home!

Digging deep, I've located a whole lot of Slann! These are designated as Cold One Riders, and date back many decades to the original Warhammer Fantasy Battle. They're really rare these days an an individual one of them sells for over 10 pounds each. This is a job lot for 12 of them. Hope that they can find a home where they don't languish without any play!

I'm also auctioning off my Dornian Heresy Iron Hands test model conversion! The Dornian Heresy is an alternate heresy where Dorn is the main heretic and protagonist. Herein, the Iron Hands went a bit too far with replacing their flash and melded with some necron technology. This miniature is a one of a kind conversion and although I'm loathe to part with it, - its time. The marine has a gauss weapon and is mounted on a resin base. I could see it being used in 40k, but if I'm honest, I think the attraction would be to build a Blackshields force for 30k / Horus Heresy around this kind of concept (think: Xenos weapons coupled with being automata essentially - the Oaths are there to be used!). 

I've also dug out a Death Guard plague marine in metal from the early 2000's which is unpainted an assembled. Starting bid in Nurgle's sacred number, just because. 

Re-listings are also up for items like a Great Unclean One, and a pair of Plague Ogryns in resin. Oh, and the Zombie Dragon

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