Saturday, April 20, 2024

Assault Squad and the Rule of Cool

I've been itching to get my hands on the new assault squad for a while now and invested in two boxes worth - one for the Emperor's Children, and one for the World Eaters. This particular build is for the Emperor's Children. 

Before anyone accuses me of not building a super-optimal squad I feel the need to defend myself and say "Rule Of Cool". I trust this will fully and completely explain the presence of the combat shields! Yes, I know they're not points cost efficient and that an extra warm body would be much better for the points. But just look at those shields! They are wickedly awesome! How could I go past them? And yes: I've added some Space Wolves power axes in there for extra chopping. Looking forward to getting these painted up!

1 comment:

  1. No need to apologise, the are your models build them as to like. The shields do look awesome though.😀
