Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Warmonger Consul

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. A great way to bring in a deep striking force - especially as an allied detachment.

A small break in the regular reviews today to consider the warmonger consul. They are depicted here as either headstrong and eager for glory, or headstrong and respected for throwing themselves into the midst of it all. 

This is a regular consul upgrade for power armour and terminator consuls alike. The cost is attractive, and for that, the consul gains and Aetheric Juncture Splicer. This is technobabble for a hand held teleport device I think! Fundamentally, this is a great way of getting deep strike into play without having to take a specialist rite of war and should be played as such. 

The problem with the splicer is that the technology is not very stable and lacks the calibration of a true teleport room. Hence when arriving from deep strike, the unit must roll a die and suffer a wound on a roll of a 1 with only invulnerable saves permitted. This is not a bad trade off overall, but it does force the player to think about the sort of unit that will accompany the warmonger. At this point, all manner of terminators look very attractive in my opinion!

Secondly with the Tip of the Spear special rule, they always have to charge in the assault phase. So you will want an assault unit with them.

For legions like the World Eaters, you are spoiled for choice. For other legions like perhaps the Iron Warriors, it is a little less obvious what to teleport. 

Warmonger with Two Lightning Claws (120 points).
If you're going to charge all the time, then you might as well swing away with some deadly claws?

Warmonger Tartaros Teminator with Chain Fist, Combi-Melta (145 points).
Good for deep striking and killing most things. 

Warmonger Cataphractii Terminator with Thunder Hammer and Grenade Harness (150 points). 
The grenade harness might not be needed if you have a squad of terminators that already has one?

Personally, I like the idea of the power armour with a horde of other units like Rampagers or a Thousand Sons cabal. The terminator armour is just excellent though and the invulnerable save means they will take less wounds - hence I'd always be opting for terminators. I'd prefer tartaros just for the sweeping ability. 

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