Saturday, March 23, 2024

Exodus Painted

Exodus was a pleasure to paint! My take on him follows the standard Alpha Legion approach that I've worked on over the years with metallic blue main parts, silver edging, and highlights as appropriate. 

The Instrument is not so picked out here - I was aiming for a plainer approach overall which is complemented nicely with the Armageddon Dunes on the base in terms of the colouring. The decal on the tabard is from the standard transfer sheet. 

For the cape of the model, I decided on something much more original!

Behold a pointillism colour transition! The idea here is straight forward enough. Stripes of colour from black to blue and back again have been done diagonally across the cape. These have then had points of colour from the adjoining colours applied to them to help blend them together. From a distance the effect is beautiful. Even close up, it still works, but it becomes obvious how the transition has been accomplished. And maybe that's how Exodus' technology works: pixels of colour that change like a chameleon. Just my take on the concept anyway. Hope you like it!

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