Saturday, February 10, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legio Custodes Rules

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. The rules are more than sufficient. 

Legio Custodes.
We begin our look at the Liber Imperium by examining the Legio Custodes special rules. This army fundamentally is one of heroes writ large who are deployed only to tackle the most severe of enemies. All wearing gold, naturally.

Golden Exemplar.
There are no warlord traits other than this one. It grants a bubble of +1 wound to combat resolution to nearby friendlies, while the warlord gains A+1 and I+1 in a challenge. Both of these are suitably powerful, but the restriction of warlord traits is balanced.

Nemesis Units.
The enemies of the Legio Custodes contain nemesis units defined as one of either the big bads of the game (primarchs, dreadnoughts, daemons, knights, to name but four), or a unit with 5 in a key characteristic (WS, BS, W, I), or the enemy warlord. Against such units, the Legio gains A+1 whilst locked in combat, +1 to the charge roll, and never need worse than 4+ to hit except against primarchs. These rules are powerful and mean that the golden boys are readily able to tackle almost anything in the game that they choose. Although enemy primarchs will remain an issue for them. Heck, even Alpharius will pose a problem for the base Custode. 

A suite of powerful rules that rival the space marine legions and in many cases surpass them. They are, however, restricted to being Loyalists only though. 

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