Monday, February 12, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Custodian Tribune

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. The most powerful non-named character in the game. 

Perhaps no more than ten of the ten thousand carry this title. They are the war council of the shield-general, and responsible for the Emperor's security as well as providing war council. They do not take the to battlefield and instead fight only in the most dire of circumstances.

In First Edition, I made the curious note that the Shield Captain was the most powerful non-named character. In Second Edition, the Tribune takes this pride of place. That said, in terms of points cost, I'd sooner have a Shield Captain to be honest. 

The stat line is super impressive with WS=7, W=4, and 5's pretty much everywhere else. The special rules include eternal warrior and fearless which is an amazing combination for 30k. He also has a teleporter array option like Valdor. You are going to want that.

Beyond this, he has tremendous customization options. I really like the solarite power gauntlet. Although the spears and the meridian swords are nice as well. So many goodies!

Your army needs to be 3000 points or higher! Otherwise you're going to take a regular shield captain and still be boastful about having the almost best non-named character in the game. With this restriction, you might as well take Valdor himself. 

Tribune with Solarite Power Gauntlet, Praesidium Shield, Teleporter Array (455 points).
Too expensive realistically, but you're paying a lot for the ability to teleport which is worth it for this army. Charge at a knight if you feel the need here.

Tribune with Pyrithite Spear, Teleporter Array (440 points).
I like the melta here. But you could swap out for a meridian sword - the misericord will grant A+1 don't forget!


  1. Shield is useless for tribune because he has 2+/4++ from his battleplate. So Tribune with gauntlet only grants +1A for having misericord (neither gauntlet nor misericord are specialist or two-handed).
    But I prefer to give him meridian swords only - no +1A for two weapons (meridian swords count as two-handed), but wide range of styles - anti-horde Rampage 3, anti-elite Murderous Strike 4+ and anti-large S10 ID (but only 1A).

  2. Oh, I totally agree with the shield being useless!
    I should have stated that it is simply because I have a miniature glued like that!

    1. Ahahahah definitely an inheritance of the first edition!! Do you think the teleport array is a must have on the tribune/Valdor? And which units would you use it to teleport?

  3. Yes - if you're running significant numbers of foot-sloggers, then the teleport array is a must in my opinion. The units could be almost anything, but I'd actually be tempted by some troops choices since even the basic custodes is frightening at close range.

  4. I've been playing Custodes a lot this edition, mostly mixed with my Sisters of Silence, and honestly the Tribune with Meridian Blades is such a versatile blender of a character that there's little reason to ever equip them with anything else. It's actually kind of a shame how imbalanced the weapon choices are.
