Thursday, February 29, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Coronus Grav-Carrier

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2/5 stars. It carries Custodes, but it isn't an assault vehicle. 

An anti-grav skimmer used only by the Custodes. Fast, and possessing technology not found in other forces, the grav-carrier is a mainstay for the Emperor's finest.

It is fast with an incredible 16 inch move, and has an impressive 16 transport capacity (which translates to six ordinary Custodes). The weapons are very reasonable and they can fire at different targets. 

Honestly, the key thing that means you're not going to buy these is the lack of the grav craft being an assault vehicle. I cannot underscore enough just how much this sucks. Sure, it has deep strike and outflank. But your Custodes are an uber-elite close combat fighting force. They need to be in place and chopping things up close and personal. They aren't going to be shooting to victory most of the time. I can see a case for some melta-cide units, but beyond that, just forget it. 

There are no builds to consider here. 

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