Sunday, February 18, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Aquilon Terminator Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars but rounded down. Three wound terminators that will struggle to get where they need to be short of teleporting. 

Deployed as needs be, these terminators are great for Zone Mortalis operations, but less so for the regular battlefield.

Cataphractii terminators with 2+/4++ and three wounds each - let alone the usual 5's across the board. 

Additional bodies are good in the squad, but not entirely needed. I like the fire pike as a replacement for the gauntlet, but the other options can be left at home (especially the power talons). 

With a movement of 7, they won't get to where they need to be quickly enough. Bulky (4) is also a real issue for transportation. Hence you will need that teleportation transponder from one of your HQs.

3 Aquilons each with a fire pike (335 points)
Teleport in, do some damage and carry on moving forward.

5 Aquilons (470 points)
No upgrades here - you don't realistically need them. But you do need that teleport. 

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