Saturday, January 27, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Infernus Abomination

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. A solid traitor assassin to rival the traditional clades. 

Something a bit fearsome and clandestine that stalks the battlefield. Something that likes to ignore physical reality when it is convenient. Something that takes on the fears of those that it preys upon and uses it to maximal effect.

I'm going to start here by mentioned Fear (2) - ouch! This is quite impressive within the game.

The abomination is able to regenerate, which although is very nice indeed, is probably something that you're not going to use since he will either be killed outright very quickly, or survive intact.

He possesses a fleshbane pistol with an exceptionally short range, and a random 2d6 shots. Its ... okay.

The real action is down the the armaments which can mutate between three difference forms. Of these three, the outright best is a hammerblade that swings at initiative with S=8 and AP=2. Let's also mention brutal (2) here as well. Its plain nasty. You won't need any of the other mutations his weapon can form realistically. 

The abomination comes with infiltrate and scout, and don't forget the special rules as well. The armor save and invulnerable save is nice.

Traitors only! The pistol probably isn't a highlight and given the assassin nature of the unit, I had hoped for something a bit better in this department, or at least a second unit that was more shooty than this one is.

A great points cost for an assassin and a good investment for the traitor player. 

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