Saturday, December 16, 2023


Back to some hobby this afternoon, and this time featured the assembly of an Armiger Warglaive. I've only put together one of these, there's obviously a second one to do since they come in boxes of two.

What impressed me about the miniature is the poseability. I was a touch confused at Step 5 where the arms attach to the side and then turn around, but it took just a gentle press to get the glueless pose working. All the arms are nicely actuated and can pivot as required. There's clearly been a lot of thought put into this miniature and how it can be assembled.

I've made this one hold the chain sword in the left hand as - to me - this seems more natural if the rider was right handed. The main weapon is on the right. I suppose ultimately with the mind merging that goes on, a bit of ambidexterity doesn't matter. I am not sure whether to assemble the second Warglaive in a similar left / right hand configuration or not, but I do prefer this way around! Overall pretty easy and straight forward to assemble with no real issues other than the choice of a melta gun on the top. A great model and well designed!

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