Monday, December 18, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Siege of Cthonia - Overall Impressions

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. There's some really good lore / background here and new rules. But unless you're playing Sons of Horus or Imperial Fists you may well be thinking about skipping this as a purchase?

In our very detailed reviews of the second edition of Horus Heresy, we now turn to one of the subsequent books published: The Siege of Cthonia. 

If players recall the original heady days of First Edition black books, then they may well appreciate what they are letting themselves in for. There is a whole lot of narrative contained inside this book about the siege. It goes into some gruesome detail as it rapidly descends into sheer terror and brings in legions beyond the Sons of Horus and Imperial Fists. 

The narrative alone is really well executed and a highlight of the book. However, I fully recognize that other players and fans might not want this, and desire simply more rules instead. They are here, but not in so much wild abandon as you might like. 

The new lore itself gets a solid 4/5 stars from myself, but some of the rest of the book leaves things to be desired. The missions within are strictly better than the core rulebook, but still a bit "shrug" - 3/5 stars here. Zone Mortalis rules are solid at 4/5 stars from me and much improved over (say) White Dwarf rules for the same. 

There are new units and rules for both the Sons of Horus and Imperial Fists. Although these are to be very much welcomed, let's state the obvious. There's not many rules for other legions in here beyond the Inductii. This is such a massive shame and let down. Doubly so given the narrative of the sprawling war that is contained within the background. So, 4/5 stars for the new rules themselves, but only 2/5 stars for their diversity. 

We will dig into these rules in future posts!

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