Sunday, December 3, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Biomancy

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. The rules are good. 

In general biomancy is the art of enhancing one's own - and others - body and physique. There are two powers within this discipline.

Biomantic Augmentation.
By sacrificing a shooting attach, the psyker can add +1 to Strength for a unit in a small radius - including himself/herself for the remainder of the player turn. 

In general this is a reasonable buff, but questionably at the price of not shooting. Hence this is going to only be used just prior to a charge of a large unit I would anticipate. 

Biomancer's Rage.
This is a psychic weapon. When successfully activated, the psyker gains a S=10 attack in close combat with 4+ rending. This is just amazing for what you could otherwise do. The only downside here is that the AP is a measly 4 and therefore does very little to help rip apart space marines beyond the rending. Very handy for tackling light tanks though!


  1. I think biomancy is a fair bit better than this for a few reasons.

    Firstly, you did not mention the increased toughness on a successful psychic check. This is huge in an era of two wound vets, terminators etc., as you are not getting instant-deathed by powerfists, and are much more survivable against thunderhammers because of that.

    Secondly, the time to do this is *when you are being charged*, i.e. in place of an overwatch shooting reaction. This is pretty huge in terms of survivability I think, and you are only giving up one shot, this seems pretty strong to me.

    I also think that the 4+ rend and native instant death at initiative mkes biomancer's rage *excellent* in terms of challenges.

    1. They just got rid of being able to use it on overwatch in the new rulebook faq.
