Friday, November 17, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Questoris Knight Atrapos

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The rules are great!

Exceedingly rare. The Atrapos is typically a gift for a blood debt, or a spoil of war. They are designed to be enemy knight killers and it is considered a major honour to pilot them, although such outings are only at the command of the head of the household him or herself.

The Atrapos is a knight killer - and monster slayer - mounted on a Cerastus body. Thanks to the macro extinction protocols rule, its weapons are counted as twin linked when firing at knights, titans, and super heavy analogues. 

The singularity cannon is an extreme form of graviton weaponry. Occasionally you will get a vortex result out of this, and sometime you will also hurt yourself. Regardless, the large blast with haywire makes sure that you are going to cause some mighty damage here. Meanwhile the phase cutter is armour bane for close combat at S=10 and AP1. Ouch.

No real weakness other than the requirement to get up close and personal with this knight. The flank speed here is your ally.
There are no builds to speak of here. The points cost is worth it, and the potency of this knight should not be doubted when played to its strengths. 


  1. Just to point out that the Atrapos lascutter is cumbersome, which means in melee, it strikes at Initiative 1 at WS1.'s not really advised to have your Knight Atrapos charge into another Knight, especially if the other Knight has a melee weapon, because he'll just...die.

  2. Excellent point. I still like the tank killing, I must admit.

  3. Yeah, certainly! Against tanks, he'll be hitting on 2s because vehicles count as WS0 in close combat! It'll definitely make them explode for sure!
