Saturday, October 7, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Archmagos Anacharis Scoria

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Really great rules!

The disaster that was the Xana Incursion by the Loyalists saw the otherwise cast down archmagos released. This was a bad thing. In the aftermath, he came to rule Xana and turned it into probably the first Warp powered Forge World that would haunt the Imperium proper for many decades later. 

Oh boy. This guy has it all. Including a scorpion like appearance. 

His stat line is impressive with almost a primarch level of stats falling short in only the WS, BS, and S departments (arguably A as well). His melee hits at S=9 regardless with AP2. To be clear he is not quite on par with the primarchs, but he comes close enough. If he had Brutal he would be a great contender, but he falls short. 

The special rules that he has covers all manner of cybertheurgic arcana along with items like Eternal Warrior, IWND, battle smith, fear, and firing protocols to name but a few.  His warlord trait - Forbidden Protocols - allows units in a small range of him all able to make reactions - including those robots. This is fairly unique and whole strategies - if not armies - could be built around this rule.He also gains a bonus movement reaction.

Points cost. This is massive. Despite the flexibility that he offers, the points cost is creeping up very high although he is still worth taking. Just wish he was on the same level as primarchs myself, but he isn't. 

Something of a traitorous Swiss army knife that opens up all manner of play styles. You are probably taking him for melee along with giving robots reactions - build accordingly. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your reviews, and unit comments
    I agree on alot of these as an, AL, mechanicum, knight and Titan player
    Hydra Dominatus
