Monday, September 18, 2023

I Take a Short Break and Fulgrim Ascends?!

I don't know folks. I take a short break, and look away for a mere few moment, and what do you all let happen? You let Fulgrim ascend. I hope you're happy with yourselves. 

But wow. What an ascension!
I think I'm minded to forgive you all for allowing this to happen whilst I was away! I'm absolutely loving the look of this miniature and can't wait to see the rules for him in the new release when it comes out. The model is a serious contender for one of the best ever made. Top marks from me! Well done Forge World team - you've outdone yourselves!


  1. They knew they had to do something big to get your attention!

  2. lol! Okay - they got my attention!!
    I doubt they're going to post me a freebie to paint up though (sadly). But who knows.
    Let's see: hey GW/FW: if you read this, I, your humble fan and 30k fanatic, would gratefully receive and paint up the new Fulgrim miniature in time for any deadline or review you might want.
