Saturday, September 30, 2023

Games Workshop / Warhammer Preston

It has been a while since I travelled to a new Games Workshop / Warhammer store. But there I was in the North West of England with a few spare minutes on my hands and I wandered to the Warhammer store in Preston (Lancashire). 

By utterly pure coincidence, I visited on the anniversary of the store. In some ways this was very fortunate as there was a lot going on and certainly a number of people in store engaged in all manner of hobby goodness. In other ways, it was slightly hard to wander around and take pictures, so I'm afraid the outside of the store is all you're getting on this post. 

Physically the store is located on Lune Street in Preston city centre. It is very close to the major shopping arcades. Lune Street itself though feels more like a minor street running off the more prominent Fishergate which felt like almost the main shopping street in Preston -- equally I'm not a local so I'm sure someone will correct me here if I'm speaking out of turn. Seems like a very reasonable and accessible location with less than a two min walk from the train station (which was closed due to the strike when I visited). 

Shout out to Siobhan who spoke to me - she had some awesome painted nails feature the logo of many different factions on them (Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons on one hand that I saw, and White Scars and Salamanders on the other along with other loyalist chapters I think?). Jealous! 

1 comment:

  1. I wish there were any good GW shops in Ireland. There's one in Dublin, which is about the size of a public toilet, and I think that's it.
