Thursday, April 6, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Typhon Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars, but rounded down here. It is like a vindicator, but bigger, and as such I like it!

Joking aside, the Typhon really is very much like an up-scaled vindicator. Invented with the collaboration of Perturabo of the Iron Warriors, this is a rapid deployment solution to siege breaking. And a powerful one to boot.

I love the dreadhammer. With S=12 in this edition, it really is the weapon to destroy most things with. A nice large blast accompanies it with rending, sunder and no less than FOUR lots of brutal. Ouch. This artillery is going to hurt. 

Of course, this comes on top of the spartan-like tank with the flare shield. I just love it.

Very short range. Very. And expensive. But you know what, I still love it all the same. If it were slightly longer range I would give it a full 5 stars as I wouldn't be able to help myself! I might have mentioned I love this one!

Typhon, Las Cannon Sponsons (435 points).
Move close and fire that dreadhammer! I'd be tempted by some volkite or heavy flamers for the side sponsons here to be honest. Pintle might be nice as a multi-melta to complement the range offered. Searchlights is one to leave to lesser vehicles. And the hunter killer missile is to taste. 


  1. I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, I would have given 3/3.5 out of 5.

    The main problems I have with the Dreadhammer Cannon are the range, and the AP. the Range means that it's plausible for a jet bike / Land Speeder Squadron jump behind and taze with multi-meltas and/or Lascannons before it can bring its main weapon to bear on it.

    Secondly the AP is fine for pie-plating marines, but Terminators or some Veteran analogues.... hmmm not my cup of tea.

  2. I shall not claim to be unbiased ;)
    I also won't be disagreeing with anything you've stated!
