Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Thousand Sons Armoury

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Although only a small selection, the rules are good overall!

For the Thousand Sons, there is a small collection of upgrades available to specific weapons. Two of them come with the Achean Force rule which yields S+2 on a successful psychic test which can be quite nice on the surface.

Aether-Fire Cannon. Swap out plasma weapons for the Achean Force special rule, a reduction in base strength and range. It also drops breaching and gets hot, but gains rending. So many small changes here. Fundamentally these are worth it if (a) you are prepared to get closer than others do; (b) you like taking Ld tests. In combination with Pavoni, the very short range ones probably make a lot of sense, while the heavy variants will benefit from the more shooting related options. For no points cost, these are almost a no brainer. Take a support squad of ather-fire blasters and have some fun!

Asphyx Shells. Adds shred to your bolters at the price of a shorter range and a very small points cost. Probably not quite worth it unless you have a cunning plan. You have a cunning plan, right? Just as planned.  

Achea Pattern Force Weapons. A pure upgrade for no costs for characters that grants the achean force rule to power weapons. There's literally no draw backs here. Very nice! 

Difference to First Edition.
I quite like what I'm seeing here. Sure, there's not many options, but all of them are quite viable. 

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