Saturday, March 18, 2023

Exodus -- Unboxing

Exodus -- the one who is many -- has arrived!

And to whet everyone's appetite, here are the parts fresh out of the box!

Let me offer two bits of advice to anyone else who has bought and received Exodus. 

(1) Dry fit the parts before committing to gluing. 

(2) The left arm - the one that is holding The Instrument - is especially painful. Take extra care with this. It really is one of the more fiddly arrangements that I've come across and why the middle of the left arm could not be attached to the instrument or the shoulder is a bit baffling. 

Regardless of the above, I'm really pleased with the level of detail of this miniature. What might not be apparent from the box art is that Exodus' right hand is inserting a bullet into the Instrument, rather than switching the modes on the end of the weapon. This is a really nice touch indeed. 

Although I was sorely tempted to paint and then assemble, I have decided that I am going to do it the other way around. It will mean the inside of the cape remains solid black, but I can live with that!

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