Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars, rounded down. Simply iconic.

The Land Raider has been with us from almost the start. Through the Rogue Trader era to present day, this vehicle is a mainstay of the space marine legions and chapters. In 30k the same remains true and this particular unit sees deployment all over the galaxy on both sides of the civil war, and probably beyond.

AV=14 all round, coupled with a transport capacity of 12, a good movement rate and the equally iconic las cannon sponsons. This is also an assault vehicle for your smaller squads and low terminator count units to pour out of. 

It is a land raider. Deal with it. 

Land Raider Proteus Carrier, 1 hunter-killer missile (225 points).
You can do without the missile to be fair. But I like this simple built a lot. 

Land Raider Proteus Carrier, Hull (Front) mounted Lascannon, Pintle Multi-Melta (255 points).
The anti-tank tank personnel carrier. Does it all really. Save the searchlights for a rhino though I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Probably my favorite unit in Horus Heresy. It feels really good overall, both to use and to face against (it's strong and durable, but you have a fighting chance against them), and the lore states that they were a very common sight in the great crusade, used en masse. Regardless of which RoW I use, I try to build around having multiples of these, and so I tend to lean towards units that take them as dedicated transports (or if I'm going with Armoured Spearhead, Tactical/Support/Despoiler Squads with these as dedicated transports).
