Friday, January 20, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Speaker of the Dead

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. The rules are good.  

The Cult of Morkai is the cult of the Wolf aspect of Death. These dark characters are priests of Fenris and inspire their comrades in arms by making chants before the battle which enhance their abilities. 

Hatred (everything!) and Stubborn combine to be passed along to any unit they join. In addition, there's also Ld=10, a narthecium, and a master crafted power maul. All of these are really nice and clearly make up for the lack of ability to select chaplains and primus medicae within the legion.

The points cost is steep. It is probably just about justifiable, but equally: how else do you get the equivalent of a primus medicae into the Space Wolves? You will be paying this tax in all likelihood. 

Speaker of the Dead, Cataphractii Armour (150 points)
To go with your terminator squads charging out of a land raider. Really this should be the default configuration. 

Speaker of the Dead, Aether-Rune Armour, Jump Pack (170 points)
I actually like this build more than the above. It is for a strong, airbourne, close combat assault squad. 

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