Monday, January 9, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Deathshroud Terminator Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are strong.

The best of the legion, and often selected as survivors of squads where all else failed. They effectively give up their identities and remain all but silent as the personal bodyguards of Mortarion himself. A couple of them are never more than 49 paces away from the Death Guard Primarch at any one time.

To add a bit of old school spice to the above statement, 7 is the "sacred number" of Nurgle. And 49 is 7 times 7. QED. 

Triple wound terminators are terrifying. Marry this up with the Death Guard special rule, relentless and stubborn, and you have a recipe for a very tough unit here. They also come with a natural BS=WS=5 which is more than handy. The alchem pistol is a nice touch to have here, and the power scythe screams out to get into base to base contact with as many enemies as possible.

Power scythes are not reliable AP2 weapons. The option to take a power axe along with the legion standard when making a retinue will therefore be tempting. The points cost is also very steep. But balance this statement against battle hardened and realize that they will not be instant death victims. They will stick around a long while for the points cost and tar pit characters for the entire game given the opportunity.

Difference to First Edition.
An extra wound, at the price of no deep striking. They retain their key roles as retinues and escorts, as objective sitters, as tar pits, and as blob killers. Great ablative wounds for praetors and Mortarion alike. 

5 Deathshroud Terminators, 1 grenade harness (360points).
If this is a retinue, add on the legion standard upgrade to make for a total of 375 points. There's not many other options here, but melta bombs can be nice given the opportunity. Might as well take a couple?

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