Thursday, January 5, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Death Guard Armoury

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. I was a bit torn here. 

The Death Guard have what feels like a miserly choice of 3 items in their armoury, and not a single special consul in sight. The items they do have veer between fine, to rather good, to not sure. 

Alchem Munitions. Swap out flamers to alchem munitions to gain fleshbane at the price of gets hot. This should be an automatic upgrade for every Death Guard armed with such to be candid. The Gets Hot rule is unlikely to do massive damage to you, but the fleshbane - especially when fired by larger squads - will have a bigger impact. 

Toxin Bombs. Almost over powered, these bombs cause a wound against a charging unit 1 in 6 times and only invulnerables count against it. They do cost a modest price, so its worth taking a few here and there in an army. Quite rude really. 

Power Scythes. AP3 at S+2 with some rending and reaping blows. This is fine overall, but can only be taken by characters. Might not be worth it if you're facing lots of terminators. And given this is Horus Heresy, you probably are. 

Difference to First Edition.
Some tweaks, but things are thematically similar. 

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