Friday, December 23, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Raven Guard Armoury

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are average.  

The Raven Guard don't have too many entries in their unique armoury. 

Raven's Talons. Lightning Claws with better rending and an extra A+1 when paired is an obvious choice to take. This is a winner, and an absolute steal for the points cost.

Infravisor. Great for night fighting (and directly combats Night Lords advantages) while giving bonus BS. They suck against blind though, so beware those Iron Hands terminators.

Cameleoline. Give an extra notch of shrouded for a praetor or centurion, but is quite pricey to be honest.

Corvid Pattern Jump Pack. Move 14, hammer of wrath, and deep strike. Also helps with dangerous terrain. There's no real down side here and the points cost is fine, so take it if you want it and have the points.  

No special consul for the Raven Guard. Plus there's not many options present. The Raven's Talons are the only no brainer here and they should be taken. Cameleoline is just over priced. Overall its average, but with the stand out of the talons!

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