Monday, November 14, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Mhara Gal Dreadnought

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good. 

What do you get if you put a smashed up Gal Vorbak inside a contemptor dreadnought? The Word Bearers have conclusively answered this with the Mhara Gal. "...that which was blessed, but now stands beyond the sight of the gods" to use the official description. The dreadnought is a cursed creation with black flames flickering around it and reality itself upset by its presence. In many ways, this is punishment with life after death for the Gal Vorbak inside.

Its a dreadnought with extra tasty rules layered on top! Incoming fire from certain types (melta most importantly) have S-1 applied. It have an invulnerable save and explodes with a high strength and lots of hits. Daemons, corrupted, and psykers also suffer in a bubble around the dreadnought with T-1 and S-1 imposed upon them. And then there's the stat line which is a good improvement on the baseline contemptor (two extra wounds alone is great). It also gets It Will Not Die with a bunch of other rules such as move through cover that will help with movement, and rampage. 

Traitor only folks!

The low BS also means that shooting weapons are not brilliant unfortunately. 

Difference to First Edition.
The fluff about it passing through walls (and rules about reality recoiling) has vanished here. 

Mhara Gal, with double tainted claws (240 points).
Close combat duty.

Mhara Gal, tainted claw, warpfire cannon (240 points).
Even with the low BS, the warpfire cannon is still worth taking. And I'm noting it here as it is what the model comes with - totally viable. I would not choose the other weapons though - the low BS doesn't pay off and the pure shooty version is not worth playing (a case can be made for double warpfire cannon, but I don't like it much). 

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