Friday, November 11, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Lorgar

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars approximately. Both the original and transfigured versions of Lorgar are fine, but at the lower end of the power spectrum of primarchs. He shines with his psychic abilities and army buffs though. 

Lorgar Aurelian and his Word Bearers had cause to turn traitor, but no one could have particularly seen just how far he would fall, how fast, and how many he would also be taking with him along the way. Once creating compliant worlds out of faith to the Emperor, our orator of the word was rebuked and spat out with devastating results for him, his legion, and half the other legions to boot. His is the original guilt for the entire civil war. 

To be clear from the outset, Lorgar's strengths do not lie in his stats. They instead reside in his psychic abilities and the buffs he can bring to the army. His personal retinue gains fearless and feel no pain, and he can grant this to a nearby unit once per game on top of this. Played right, this is terrific. 

His armour provides an increase save against psychic attacks should you need it (probably when facing Thousand Sons or rival daemon armies most likely?). His side arm is tasty with haywire and graviton rules attached to it, while his maul has the Brutal (2) rule attached to it which makes up for his otherwise lackluster statline (more on that in one moment). 

He can also be upgraded to his Transfigured state for a modest points cost increase. This gains him access to being tainted, other psychic powers (hello daemon summoning!) as well as the ability to take daemon allies (finally!). 

Finally his warlord trait is a strong one with adding +1 distance and using his Ld for all units that draw a line of sight to him (the bonus assault reaction is great as well). His sons truly listen to his words!

His stat line is the worst in the game out of all the primarchs that I've seen. Even good old Alpharius who has been nerfed into the ground in second edition has a better A, WS, and BS than Lorgar. Equally, Lorgar does have Brutal (2) which Alpharius lacks, and this makes up for a lot realistically. 

There's a lot to like about Lorgar in second edition. Continuing with the Alpharius comparison, Lorgar is actually worth his points cost in either his regular or transfigured forms. Sure, he's not going to beat his brothers in a duel (maybe except Alpharius), but the point is that he is a buff, and to be played aggressively against selected targets. 

Difference to First Edition.
A lot of things have been shuffled around here. The Lorgar Transfigured in particular provides access to daemon allies consistently for this legion which is very different to first edition. There are other shuffles and changes, but the outcome is about the same give or take. Lorgar remains worth his points and works well played aggressively against targets other than his brothers. 

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