Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Firedrake Terminator Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. See - I sometime do award 5/5 to some units on the odd occasion! Here, this is a somewhat unique unit in the game thanks to the thunder hammer and storm shield set up they can take (among others). The points cost is high, and I almost didn't give full stars to the unit due to the cost. The honest reason I gave full stars here is because I simply hate facing off against them! 

Discipline, self sacrifice, the Promethian Cult, a singular focus, and the elites of the legion combine to make arguably one of the best units in the game. I despise facing off against full thunder hammer and storm shield set ups. And it is because of this that I really respect them. (Also on the odd occasion proxied them for a Rewards of Treason unit in true Alpha Legion style as well - not sorry). 

Much has already been said of this unit. They are WS=5, double wound, and 2 attacks base terminators in cataphractii armour. They come with power weapons and combi bolters as their base set up, but can be upgraded in a number of ways, the most popular of which I've already repeatedly noted above! 

In addition, they can be used as a retinue, and have a wonderful re roll to hit of pure 1's in close combat which makes them a greater force to be reckoned with. Take a land raider to taste and you have the makings of a genuine death star unit with amazing staying power that "It Will Not Die" only enhances.

Apart from the somewhat expensive points cost (points sink?) this is an amazing unit. 

5 Firedrakes, Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields all round (325 points).
The build that I don't like facing off against, as well as the Rewards of Treason target for the same reason. Add more members to taste and take that land raider (or deep strike if possible). Master craft the squad leader's weapon if desired.

5 Firedrakes, 3 combi-meltas, 1 heavy flamer, 2 chain fists (310 points).
A bit of a tank hunting variant with some ranged fire power. Master craft a chain fist to taste. 

5 Firedrakes, 4 combi-flamers, 1 heavy flamer (280 points).
For those that just like lots of fire. Use the baseline power weapon (possibly as a power axe?). Great as a cover unit for something else behind them and for making enemies scramble out of cover. 


  1. Are they still notoriously as dangerous as previous edition? I know they received an indirect nerf with the durability of all other terminators bumped up, and the WS chart making them harder to hit in combat. I've only gotten one game in with them, and they did good vs a 20 man assault squad (they killed one of my firedrakes, and I killed like 5+ of them) but I don't know if that's a good indication of their prowess. I only have the loyalist book, so I'm comparing them to other elite units (Knights Cenobium, Varagyr Wolf Guard, etc). I think I mathed out for a 5 man squad to be almost as durable as a leviathan dread when equipped with shields, so there is that going for them.

  2. To me, yes they are still dangerous, and hard to remove. Sheer weight of firepower or melee attacks - preferably at high S - is the way forward to deal with them, short of running rings around them in the style of the White Scars. I find a vindicator works well too if located optimally! But yeah, still tough going all the same.
