Sunday, October 16, 2022

Lascannon Marine in Mk VI Armour

A bit more hobby progress to report this weekend with the construction of some lascannon toting mark VI marines. Not sure I've seen too many people post this on the interwebs, so here's the image. 

The lascannon for this marine comes from the recently released heavy weapons set in plastic for the Horus Heresy range. I was toying between getting some of the older resin lascannons from Forge World or this newer set. Two things convinced me: firstly the price. For the same price, I also get other heavy weapons (notably the auto cannons which I am similarly tempted to use, but also the volkites which have some great rules to them). Secondly I think the plastic heavy weapons have been done some good justice here. Yes, the resin can sometimes look better and the aesthetic is great, but here I am. 

The only "gotcha" in the build is the right hand and the zoom targeter which is a bit fiddly. Oh, and for the build with the augury scanner, there's a tiny handle that goes on to the end of the targeting array as well which is super annoying. Other than that single issue, these are a breeze to put together and I am planning on having 5 of them in a heavy support squad up and running soon. 

1 comment:

  1. He looks great! Nice throwback to the original shoulder lascannon, but now with more bling.
