Saturday, October 29, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Salamanders Legion Traits and Rites

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The rules are average, and some are rather nice. 

Warlord Traits.
The Salamanders Legion has three warlord traits on offer, including a traitor one, much to my surprise. 

The Weight of Duty. For the Loyalists, the warlord and his army gain S+1 against a unit that causes fear in combat. The unit also has hatred of traitors. This comes at the cost of not being able to take the nastier, unwholesome units like destroyer squads, but the bonus assault reaction is nice. Overall this is an average trait that will see sufficient play. 

Promethian Will. Bonuses to Ld against pinning and a reduction of incoming fear is a nice, but not complete replacement of their core rules from the first edition. Shooting reaction bonus is solid, but as above, they can't take the nastier units. Once again, average, and an inferior replacement for first edition rules. 

Redemption of Flames. I find it surprising that a traitor only warlord trait exists for the Salamanders since they were selected for destruction largely as the Warmaster didn't think he could turn any of them. Recall: in the lore, the Salamanders are really the humanitarians and the good guys, despite the red eyes. The bonus +1 to wound when using flames or volkite is strong and the bonus assault reaction the same. This is the best trait of the lot. I'm sad it is not that fluffy myself.

Rites of War.
The Conenant of Fire. Pyroclasts and Support Squads gaining Line and becoming troops when using flamers is all fine and good, as are predator squads with dragon's breath equipment as troops. Not deep striking is a problematic draw back, so take some termites instead if you're playing that way. Destroyers being eliminated is fluffy, but having to take a champion consul is odd. This is an average to sub-part rite of war that just enables things to be taken as troops fundamentally and as such it might appear to be a "shrug" all round, but it will still see play. 

The Awakening Fire. Being able to take Fear as an upgrade is excellent, as is ignoring Ld modifiers for pinning. Psykers having to use the Fury of the Salamander is not really a drawback (we will look at this psychic discipline later). Having the option to take an additional chaplain is a reasonable exchange rate (and indeed at least 1 chaplain must be taken). No jump packs can be problematic, but who take cavalry (similarly restricted). Of course, the restriction of no Vulkan might seem harsh, but it is fluffy. This is a strong rite of war to my mind.

Difference to First Edition.
The rules here appear to replace some of the first edition core rules for the legion somewhat. They are not quite as powerful, but they will do quite nicely. I'm surprised at the traitor warlord trait's existence, and doubly concerned that its the most powerful! Oh well. Good luck to those Salamanders players taking the side of the Warmaster. 


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