Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Saboteur

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are unique and good enough for four stars. 

The Alpha Legion special consul character is the Saboteur. He specializes in infiltration, assassination and generally causing mayhem. Thanks to being able to strike in the opening moments of a battle unimpeded, they can readily swing entire fights. 

The special rule for the Saboteur is the False Colours rule. This means that they cannot be shot at if they've not shot themselves during a game. This is very interesting when used in conjunction with infiltrate and scouts which they automatically get. 

Beyond this, they get melta bombs, breacher charges, and shroud bombs as part of the cost. Considering the relatively cheap points cost of the upgrade, this is a real good purchase for the points and the main part of the reason that the saboteur gets 4 out of 5 stars from me in this review. 

In terms of play style, I can see several different themes. However, the optimal one is probably as a melta-cide one man crew. i.e., take a combi-melta and get up close to some tank to try to blow it away, or cause havoc on some dreadnought. The nemesis bolter for 5 points is a worthy upgrade, but there are better characters (i.e., Exodus) who snipe much better. Equally, if the saboteur survive such a melta attack, the nemesis bolter is a great way to spend the rest of the game just pining away at targets near and far for a cheap amount of points. Lastly he could also be used as a straight up assault unit. He's not the best at this, but in principle he could cause damage this way and could tie up an enemy unit before getting destroyed. Not really advised to be honest, but could work alongside a Headhunter squad especially at lower points values.

Just because they cannot be shot at does not mean that they cannot be charged at. Beware!

Difference to First Edition.
So much for the old sabotage rule! We will mourn its passing. Instead we now have a cheap-ish character whose best function appears to be a melta-cide attempt. Not bad overall.

Saboteur, combi-melta (85 points).
Set up by infiltration and then take your best shot at a vehicle or similar. Congratulations if you make your points cost back. Don't stress if you miss, the character is cheap enough to not worry too much. And you've always got melta bombs for another attempt. Take a power dagger and/or nemesis bolter to taste?

Saboteur, Power Fist (90 points).
Not recommended, simply noted here in an illustrative fashion. Charge in to disrupt potential enemy squads you think you can survive against. Probably best used alongside a Headhunter unit.

Saboteur, Nemesis Bolt Gun, Power Dagger (85 points).
The long range sniper, with power dagger for tight situations. Candidly, Exodus is better at this sort of job, but in low points value games this has a place. 

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