Friday, September 23, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Phoenix Warden

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. Good, but arguably better consuls to spend points on?

Phoenix Wardens are personal guards of Fulgrim himself and much like him, strove for excellence. Here the excellence is not only in combat efficiency and aptitude, but also self-preening. Got to look your best whilst doing the job, after all. 

The list of special rules is nice: the skill unmatched rule gives these characters a way to buff themselves in one of three ways at initiative step 10, varying between guard, strike, and fury. For the sake of copyright, I won't list all the buffs individually, save to save that they're very nice and when executed at the right moment can turn a combat around. 

The Living Icons rule grant a bonus to combat outcome determination in a small bubble, which stacks with Fulgrim's "Sire" rule, but nothing else. 

I like them, quite genuinely. But with so many other HQ choices on offer, and juicy consul alternatives, I have my doubts many players will opt for the Phoenix Wardens as these slots are very competitive. 

Phoenix Warden, Phoenix Power Spear, Iron Halo, Tartaros Armour, Grenade Harness (110 points).
A very standard build. Honestly, there are not too many other builds to consider here. If you're going to buy a thunder hammer, then might as well have a different consul. Arguably a chain fist is attractive, so I can see that working. Whether a combi-melta might be attractive as well is a different argument, but it doesn't speak to me as much as this baseline build as I see Phoenix Wardens as wanting to be in combat rather than shooting or being a utility squad leader. 

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