Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Rapier Battery

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are fine.

Carrying weapons that even the super human Astartes would find too challenging to haul around, rapier batteries are a solution to battlefield long range support weapons that don't need to be mounted on vehicles (largely due to the vehicle's size and or weight). 

Cheap, cheerful, and regularly useful. I genuinely don't know why we don't see more of them on the battlefield (or at least I don't see too many of them - I'm biased though). 

Actually, I think I know why I don't see many of them. They take up an Elites slot. Simply put - people want to use the Elites slot for other things.

1 Rapier, Graviton Cannon (60 points).
Haywire at a reasonable range is formidable. No particular need for more than one rapier here, but 2 would be good for insurance reasons. 

3 Rapiers, Laser Destroyers (195 points).
For when you want a vehicle to die die die. 

2 Rapiers, Quad Launchers upgraded with Incendiary Shells (130 points).
For killing things in cover and pinning them there.

3 Rapiers, Quad Launchers upgraded with Shatter Shells (160 points).
Heavy 4 per rapier at S=8. Beautiful. 

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