Friday, September 16, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Emperor's Children Traits and Rites

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars - Good for some, average for others. I particularly like the loyalist trait. 

Warlord Traits.
There are three traits to mull over for the Emperor's Children commander. Happily they include an option each for traitor, loyalist, and both.

The Broken Mirror. For the traitors, they never fall back within a bubble of the commander at the price of taking an automatic wound. This can be powerful, but needs a lot of attention to play it well and can be used against you. The additional shooting phase reaction is nice. 

Martyrs of Isstvan. For the loyalists. The resultant +1 to hit against all traitors in close combat is a very strong trait to possess and plays well with the legion's own rules. The assault reaction is just icing on this cake. Really strong.

Paragon of Excellence. WS+1 in a bubble after a morale check is very good and the movement phase reaction is great. The once per game effect is less than stellar. The Loyalist trait is stronger sorry. 

Rites of War.
The Maru Skara. The killing cut, returning for second edition. This one is about making feints so that some other unit can get the kill. As such, it grants lots of outflank, a bonus pip to movement, and immediate deployment of outflanking, deep striking, and subterranean units. There are some restrictions associated with it, including no more than half assigned to being held in reserves. Otherwise this is a flavourful rite and reasonably good.

IIIrd Company Elite. Transform your traitor forces into noise marines and Slaaneshi wannabes. Kakophoni squads are troops here and for a modest price, all units on foot can (and must) get a surgical augment. Great if you are fielding large units to be honest. 

Difference to First Edition.
A nice and cleaned up version of the rules that expands what was there before, as well as streamlines things. I like what has happened here, but there are some traits that are stronger than others. I would be seriously tempted to play loyalists. 

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