Sunday, August 7, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Phalanx Warder Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are strong. Would give it 4.5/5 stars when run with the Stone Gauntlet rite of war. 

Protecting the flag ship of the Imperial Fists, the Warders are a stark bunch selected from breacher squads and known for no showing off when victory calls. For them, living until next time is victory enough. Grim. Regardless, they are essentially breacher squads with more bits and bobs added to them and a formidable alternative to the troops that the Imperial Fists player might otherwise select.

Look closely and it will become obvious why this squad is a step up from breachers. In combination with the Stone Gauntlet rite of war, they can be devastating when played well. 

The lock step special rule grants a bonus pip to WS when charged and when there's at least 3 warders left. Happily this pip can also spread to others joining the unit without this special rule. Hence the conclusion here is that characters are good to hide within the squad. Even an apothecary would be good here for bonus durability, thinking build-wise.

The Shield Wall special rule grants a bonus to invulnerable saves as well whilst they are in base contact with others. Again, this rule spreads to characters joining them. This is beautiful. 

Despite all the upgrades over breacher squads, these battle brothers remain 1 wound, 3+ armour save marines. Remember this well. Regard also the Shield Wall rule and beware of large blasts that are incoming from the likes of vindicators. For goodness sake, use the Stone Gauntlet rite of war to maximally benefit this squad (and in numbers). The re-roll to invulnerable saves is tremendous. 

Difference to First Edition.

Some will suggest that the lack of T=5 possible in first edition represents a loss. To small arms massed fire-power, I would agree. But I would counter this by suggesting that the invulnerable antics have made up for this aspect and made them much better. They're cheaper too -- and fundamentally much more viable than when released in first edition. Hence overall I'm thinking this unit has seen an improvement. Add in a leader like Fafnir and its suddenly an amazingly strong squad on both offense and defence. 

Readers might like to contrast these unit builds to first edition here.

10 Phalanx Warders, legion vexilla, sergeant with power fist and artificer armour (260 points).
My baseline squad. I like flamers added in here for objective sitting duties. 

20 Phalanx Warders, legion vexilla, 4 thunder hammers, sergeant with solarite power gauntlet, artificer armour, whole squad with melta bombs (560 points).
Expensive, to be clear. Remove the melta bombs to make it more points cost attractive and give it to the sergeant only (515 points). Go hunt, but watch out for those big pie plates.

10 Phalanx Warders, legion vexilla, 2 plasma guns, sergeant with artificer armour, plasma pistol, melta bombs (285 points).
So much cheaper than first edition and amazingly good for raining down some plasma death. 

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