Sunday, August 14, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Mortificator

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars, rounding up this time. The rules are fine.

Mortificators look after the slumbering dreadnoughts contained in the vaults of the legion. They are hugely dedicated to this job - perhaps too much so given their willingness to skirt around the edges of what the Martians might allow. More than this, they also rouse the dreadnoughts when required to once more fight alongside the living.

They can form a unit with a single contemptor and grant It Will Not Die to the contemptor. This is strong, to be clear, and I think it has multiple uses including most obviously a backline shooting and interceptor contemptor They also gain a servo arm and stave. 

Nothing really stands out here other than only being able to form a unit with one contemptor. I doubt this unit will see much play outside of small points games since there's just better HQ options available.

Given that they will be tagging along with a contemptor, there are two build that I provide here. The first two are a backline / shooting / static build, the second is more of a front line / combat build.

Mortificator, Nemesis bolt gun (95 points).
Back line and will snipe at the same target as the contemptor.

Mortificator, Cataphractii Terminator Armour (110 points).
Also a back line version, and a bit of an objective camper. No real long range weapon available, so might want to think about a combi melta if the contemptor is similarly armed.

Mortificator, Tartaros Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Grenade Harness (120 points).
An escort for a front line contemptor. 

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