Thursday, August 25, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Veteran Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules for veterans are very good overall, but the Elites spot is very pressured in this game its fair to say. 

Within all of the legions, there are those men who rise in skill and ability above their peers. Many legions group them into veteran squads for either special training, or for others to aspire to join their ranks. Or both. The are equipped with the best that the legion has which in turn means that the Veteran is one of the more customisable in the game.


Coupled with the extra pip in WS and 2 wounds means that this squad is an elites version of a command squad, but without the banner to carry into battle and only a 3+ save.

Edit: they can also take legion drop pods or legion termites without any rite of war being in effect. Both of these possess strengths that can contribute to a certain playstyle where needed. 

As with a command squad, the points cost here can rise quickly if the aspiring player doesn't have a specific battlefield role in mind for these warriors. Hence my advice is to consider what role you want these veterans to play and build accordingly. Try to keep it straight forward or simple. 

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral. The rules are broadly comparable.

I provide a number of builds below to give a sampling of the kinds of squads I might toy about with creating for a veterans squad. Clearly there are others to consider beyond these examples.

5 Veterans, all with Nemesis bolt guns, nuncio vox, augury scanner (185 points).
An almost pure backline squad for sniping at enemies. Other units probably do this better though and it might be a bit of a waste of the stat line which is, after all, better for close combat.

10 Veterans, bolt guns with chain bayonets, sergeant with power fist, vexilla (255 points).
Take a nunio vox and augury scanner to taste (recommended perhaps even). This is a squad for a rhino or for foot slogging.

10 Veterans, 2 melta guns, sergeant with thunder hammer and artificer armour, vexilla (280 points).
Charge out of a land raider style squad. Also a bit of an "all comers" squad. Swap to plasma guns if preferred. Take charnabal sabres to taste. This build is how veteran squads should be made in my opinion.

5 Veterans, 4 combi-meltas, 1 melta gun, sergeant with thunder hammer and artificer armour, vexilla (215 points).
Distraction carnifex. Deep strike if possible to get rid of enemy tanks.

5 Veterans, 1 missile launcher, 4 hand flamers, 1 power fist, vexilla, nuncio vox, augury scanner (188 points).
An objective camper with multiple threats.


  1. I generally use them as a tank based assault Squad (without jump pack obs) except for my Zone Mortalis Imperial Fists army where they tend to be a more short ranged firefight squad.

  2. Their main strength is that they are one of the only units that can take a Drop Pod as a dedicated transport without a rite of war.

  3. Great point about the drop pod - I am adding that to the strengths as it can be overlooked.

  4. Geeky: I admit to using them in low points value games where I have a legion delegatus as the HQ choice. I think this is why I've always picked up on the customization as an amazing strength.

  5. Take your point about customization, Given My DA / BA armies are essentially mechanized Infantry I tend to use them as the anvil of my assault force (transported in Land Raiders) on which the more mobile Assault Squads break as the hammer.

    Then the Rhinos come up with the tactical Squads to objective camp and they move on.

    I should note that in my house 3,000 point games tend to be the minimum size. We have been known to run 12,000 a side games that last an entire Bank holiday weekend.

  6. You didn't mention that they also have Relentless. It's also worth emphasizing that they can take Power weapons for just 5-points

    I like a ten-man squad with 8x Nemesis Bolters, 2x Missile Launchers, 6x Power Swords, 3x Power Axes, and a Power Fist (on the Sergeant; Solarite Power Gauntlet for Imperial Fists); I also add an augury scanner and, if I can, a nuncio-vox.

    This isn't a backfield squad, not with Relentless and bargain power weapons. This is an advance-and-inflict-pain squad.

  7. I do think that for this unit alone, because the chain bayonets are the same points as chainswords, you're better off taking the chainswords, simply because the extra attack from having two melee weapons works out better than the extra pip of damage.
