Saturday, July 30, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Primus Medicae

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are good.

The Legion Primus Medicae is one of the high officers within the apothecarium of the legion. Of course, the have to look after not only the marines under their command, but also recover gene seed from the battlefield when required.

The Primus comes as standard with the Narthecium which grants the feel no pain special rule to the unit that the Primus is joined with.

He also gains the Sacred Trust special rule which allows re-rolls of It Will Not Die. This character therefore should be placed with a unit that can directly benefit from this. Such as a Primarch. (Ouch!). 

I guess ultimately the reason why you won't take this character (and hence the star ratings I have given it) is if you don't have IWND, and there is the option of a legion apothearium detachment to replace it from the Elites choices?

The feel no pain granted doesn't stack (not much of a negative, but thought I'd list it regardless).

Difference to First Edition.
Largely Neutral. The rules are comparable.

Primus Medicae, Power Weapon (120 points).
Something of an entry level character.

Primus Medicae in Cataphractii Terminator Armour (130 points).
For the points increase compared to the above, this base line model is fab. 


  1. I'm leery of going too deep and putting all of my eggs in one basket but I'll be damned if I'm not a little tempted to fold one into a Lernean squad to let them reroll that IWND they have and make them even harder to shift off of objectives.

  2. One point that isn't mentioned here and I think shouldn't be overlooked is that this is the only "apothecary" that is allowed to join Terminator armored units.
