Sunday, July 3, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Justaerin Terminator Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Great rules all round. This is a very playable unit, but due to lack of Line, we won't see as much of them as we used to in First Edition sadly.

The Justaerin are the elite of the elite within the Sons of Horus. They are the literal embodiment of the tip of the spear that Horus was so fond of adopting and their purpose is simply that: the destroy the enemy heart and leave nothing standing in their wake.

Double wound terminators in cataphractii armour are always going to be hard to dislodge. These terminators come with banestrike as standard along with the Carsoran axes. Relentless is good, along with furious charge, and naturally stubborn makes them great. 

Unlike in first edition, I cannot fathom an easy way to make them all scoring (or Line, if you prefer). This represents a loss compared to the first edition in my opinion as the option for an army of them no longer exists.

To get AP2 requires a little bit of sacrifice as well, and this needs thought and consideration.  

Difference to First Edition.
Improved. +1BS, and +1A make them categorically better than they were. They have had a mild points increase (compared to the revised points cost previously), but the increase in points is more than offset by what they are gaining. 

5 Justaerin, 1 with heavy flamer, 1 with thunder hammer (295 points).
A baseline offering - no more. Grab a vehicle and go hunting. 

10 Justaerin, 2 Multi-Meltas, 4 Combi-Meltas, 2 Chain Fists (625 points). 
Yes, things are expensive here, but arguably worth it for hunting enemy light tanks and infantry. 

10 Justaerin, 2 Reaper Autocannons, 4 Power Fists (595 points).
One for hunting down the enemy terminators perhaps. The combination of bane strike and the firepower of reapers should hit reasonable well, but the power fists are needed for that low AP. Take thunder hammers to taste. Lightning claws are a nice alternative for sheer volume of close combat attacks. 


  1. HEY! You can get them line if their part of a retinue for 15pts ? if I remember correctly

    EG: take them with Abby or Horus, and now they have deepstrike and line

  2. Yes - this is correct. A legion herald will do similar. However, we no longer have an HQ that "unlocks" them as troops and gifts them a scoring ability. Therefore I think that the days of seeing Abby head the tip of a Justaerin exclusive spear are completely over.

  3. In the age of the post-Siege of Cthonia Carsoran Tabar Justaerin these guys have never been better. The attacks, BS, and banestrikes are nice, but it's a bit disappointing that the Justaerins' true strength comes from the Sons of Horus legion trait, rather than a unique, intrinsic property.
