Friday, July 8, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Garviel Loken

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 Stars. Absolutely playable.

The loyalist's loyalist and survivor without peer. Loken was betrayed at the events in the Isstvan system by Horus but subsequently rose to exact revenge. And rose again. Almost the star of the early books in the black library series, Loken was a Captain in the Sons, but renounced them to reclaim the ideals of the Luna Wolves of old.

A reasonable stat line combined with paragon blade and the Master of the Legion. What he brings to the table is the ability to gain +1A on charges and when charged by chosen legion traitor enemies. What is better though is the ability to take additional reactions during the assault phase which is very strong.

The born survivor gives him a Ld test to remain on the board with d3 wounds left when he is first removed. This is solid, without being outstanding.

Naturally, he can only be taken by the loyalist side of the conflict. Also T=4, so beware, but note also the Sons of Horus legion rules.

A solid character without being outstanding, and ideal for loyalist Luna Wolves and Sons of Horus players. He will do well in many games and is reasonably priced. Just make sure he gets into combat. 

Difference to First Edition:
Neutral. The rules are mainly comparable. 

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