Friday, June 3, 2022

Painted Mor Deythan 5/6

The kneeling position of these marines is a good "innovation" for the game in my opinion. There are now several kneeling legs available throughout the miniature range and they interact well with the rules at a fundamental level whilst also providing some realism. That said, I think there would be complaints if all miniatures in an army adopted such a position and maybe rightly so?

This battle brother is adopting the kneeling position on top of a base constructed from cork to give it a bit of extra height and to counteract some of the negative views that can arise from folks using kneeling positions within the game. The extra height gives the miniature a better view, and also makes him as vulnerable as many others within the game. The painting here follows the pattern already established, and I'm happy at how the Raven Guard iconography stands out on the shin and the helmet thanks to the grimy recesses that have been employed here. The edging also helps to pick out the armour on the wrists and shoulders nicely - both for the black and the white colours. The dust of the base ties it together as the final touch. 

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