Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Painted Mor Deythan 3/6

It seems appropriate that on the day that the Warhammer Community previewed a small set of the rules for the Raven Guard in the new edition of 30k that I'm working my way through the Mor Deythan painting that I've undertaken. 

Marine number three is in a kneeling position and taking aim with a combi-melta. As suggested in the previous posts, the main idea here is to infiltrate into position and take out some heavier armour or cause serious damage to monstrous creatures with the melta gun shots that are available from the squad before mopping up with a different unit. Their (first edition) special rules do overlap somewhat with the Alpha Legion in terms of infiltration, but this squad makes a good target for the Coils of the Hydra come what may. Painting here follows the scheme established previously and I really like the way not only the grime has come out here, but also the dusty nature of the terrain that has rubbed off - literally - on to the cloak, armour and the greaves. 

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