Saturday, June 11, 2022

Mor Deythan full squad

The fully painted squad of Mor Deythan. Ready to escape the drop site massacre once again for second edition Horus Heresy!

Front view and reverse view -- I am particularly pleased with how the camouflage capes came out in the end. I was aiming for urban camouflage and decided to take a grey-white-black approach with broken lines of paint flowing within the fabric - I think this has worked well. The dusty bases only accentuate the feeling of the miniatures having seen a lot of action on the sands of distant worlds where these Raven Guard are covertly operating.

The equipment set up here is 6 Mor Deythan, 4 with combi-melta guns, and 2 melta guns (I can only hope this is still valid in second edition). 

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