Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Nurglings Interrupting

We interrupt the regular proceedings with Nurglings. 

This batch of Nurglings have been causing gremlin like problems in the bits box and demanded to be assembled and at least base coated. Who am I to disobey Grandfather Nurgle?

Clearly and self-evidently, this is a works in progress. With that said, I wanted to veer away from the usual approach of having everything in the same colour and try to give each and every one of these daemons their own unique feeling. Therefore, I have opted to use a different base colour for each and every one of them. It has been rather taxing to achieve this without spilling too much of the paint over on to adjacent Nurglings in the stack, but overall, not a bad first attempt at a base coat. Note in particular that some of the daemons have been picked out using contrast paints which has helped immensely with this approach and provided the necessary shading without really trying. 

What is left to do is tidy up the details. Teeth, tongues, horns, mutations, infections, internal organs, pus, gore, and general grubbiness await. 

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