Friday, July 9, 2021

Horus Heresy Review: Carnodon Strike Squadron

The final entry in Book 9 is the Carnodon Strike Squadron. This comes in two different guises: one for the Solar Auxilia, and one for the more regular Imperial Army. Fundamentally, this is a middle of the road battle tank, with statistics to match. 

The twin-linked autocannon is very nice here, although I suspect that most players will want to swap out the heavy flamer sponsons for something else. 

The Saturnyne version for the Solar Auxilia comes with the option of also swapping out the main turret which in some cases  might be desirable to create (e.g.) a lascannon based tank.

Arguably the armour isn't that great, but as stated above, the price about matches what you might expect.

Carnodon with Twin Linked Autocannon, and autocannon sponsons (65 points).
A reasonably good amount of bullets coming out of this tank for the points cost here. Take a squad of 3 if you have the points.

Saturnyne Pattern Carnodon with Twin Linked Lascannon, and lascannon sponsons (105 points).
Not quite a predator tank, but still very nice.

Saturnyne Pattern Carnodan with Twin Linked Multi-laser, multi-laser sponsons, and a multi-laser pintle (85 points).
Purely for those of you who can't get enough multi-lasers. 

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