Saturday, May 1, 2021

Legacy of the Soul Flame

We have a new RPG on Kickstarter that we wanted to let you all know about!

Legacy of the Soul Flame is a noble-dark roleplaying game campaign setting of undead, snow & ice, exploration, and blood-ties

This is a 420-page full-colour deluxe roleplaying game of exploration and survival that takes place on a frozen-over continent filled with undead. It fuses concepts found in traditional fantasy settings with modern and technological twists, a touch of horror, a dash of genealogy, and a small pinch of archaeology for taste. 

Explore a vast continent of stark beauty filled with detail and lore. Use the magic of your birth right – your soul flame – to combat the undead that riddle the lands and that humanity barely holds in check. Dig beneath the snow and ice to find remnants of a lost technological age, and determine what happened to the elves and the fey.

The product has already been featured on Geek Native, and over this weekend there will be a Q&A open session with Randomworlds (To join: (Saturday 1/May at 3pm Central // 9pm UK time), and a recorded interview for Mildra's YouTube Channel on Sunday. 

Hope that you like this one and will consider backing it: much of what you see here on Warpstone Flux is supported through our hobby business and we would gratefully appreciate any and all pledges that our readers can make. 

Happy for additional reviews (feel free to get in contact) and would appreciate amplification of this one too if you are able. 

1 comment:

  1. Interview Here:
