Monday, March 29, 2021

Digital Art

It has been a modest amount of time since I last updated the blog here. In part, the reason for this has been health related, and distinctly the most recent UK lockdown due to Covid-19. Such things cannot be helped and they are what they are. 

Hopefully we will resume more frequent posting soon.

In the meantime, I have been (re)teaching myself some digital art techniques (alpha channels, selections, layerings and so forth) and produced this design. I'm intending to use it in a forthcoming roleplaying publication. More on that exciting development in due course. 

Hope that my regular readers are all doing well. 


  1. Looks awesome. Hope you start feeling better.

    Your unit reviews are a staple of my hobby!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! Much appreciated! :)

  3. Hullo jabber jabber, apologies for not writing sooner - your posts were missed and I hope you're feeling better.
