Thursday, February 11, 2021

Dominion of convergence: 2/3

This is the second component of the dominion of convergence set. What I find most odd about this particular piece is the extra bit of Necron stone attached to the upper regions of the monolith. In the image below, it can be seen stuck on the front facing panel to the upper right of the monolith.

I think my feeling of oddity stems from the way it is just kind of hovering there without support. Sure, its techno-babble magic something something holding it in place - yeah I get that. But from a gravity point of view, it just feels a little bit wrong to my eyes. Further, the reverse of the piece -- which can be seen sticking out at the left hand edge of the above image -- also feels a little bit off. I might fill in the gap that can be seen in the image with a bit of green stuff to make it a bit more convincing to my eyes before I paint it up, and potentially just add a little bit of support underneath it. 

Other than this visual, I do like the piece, and I like the feeling of age that it communicates with the weathered front "rock" face being eroded away to reveal the internal technology behind. 

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